Songi Lim, Ph.D., Patentanwaltskandidatin bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Songi Lim

Ph. D.

  • Patent Attorney Candidate

Contact us

Songi Lim speaks Korean, English and French

Focus of her work

Songi Lim’s practice includes drafting patent applications for start-ups, SMEs and major international companies.

Songi’s technical focus is on computer-implemented inventions, telecommunications, digital and analog signal processing, image processing, RF technology, sensor technology and medical technology.

Songi Lim is active in the following areas of expertise:


Software, IT & Computer Technology



Electrical Engineering

Semiconductor Technology

Songi Lim, Patentanwaltskandidatin bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys
Songi Lim, 2SPL Patent Attorneys


Songi Lim holds a Master of Science in biomedical engineering earned at Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine in Seoul. She also has a Bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics earned at Kyunghee University in Seoul.

She later obtained her doctorate at the Center for Biomedical Imaging at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne with a thesis on the development of methods for reproducible and accelerated data acquisition by means of MRI. Songi herself has come up with inventions that have led to patents both in Korea and in Europe.

Patent attorney candidate at 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Doctorate at the Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)

Master of Science in biomedical engineering earned at Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Seoul

Bachelor of Science in physics and mathematics earned at Kyunghee University, Seoul

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