2SPL Mitarbeiter überreichen einen Spendenscheck an den Verein brotZeit e.V.

Fundraising Campaign 2024: Support for brotZeit e.V.

10 7 月, 2024

This year, our employees once again had the opportunity to suggest organizations and projects for our annual fundraising campaign and vote on who should receive the donation. Due to a tie in the voting, this time two organizations will each receive €2,500. One of these is brotZeit e.V.

The non-profit association brotZeit e.V. is active nationwide. Currently, 16,000 children from 400 primary and special needs schools across Germany are provided with a balanced breakfast every day before the start of classes. A total of 2,200 volunteers are involved in this effort. Since the association was founded, 16.3 million breakfasts have been distributed so far.

At the end of June, Jacqueline Müller (accountant at 2SPL), who suggested the project, and 2SPL partner Mirko Schacht presented the donation check to Margarethe Schlemmer, Chairwoman of brotZeit e.V. We are delighted to be able to contribute to supporting this valuable work with our donation.

The second winning project will be announced shortly. Stay tuned!

Learn more about brotZeit e.V. on the association’s website.

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