Michael Magin., Patentanwalt bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys, München

Patent Attorney Michael Magin

M. Sc.

  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • UPC Representative
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact us

Michael Magin speaks German and English

Michael’s advice on patentability issues, his exceptional ability to communicate with technical experts, and his high-quality drafting and prosecution skills are highly valued. We in Yokogawa’s Intellectual Property function feel well supported in our journey of digital transformation and sustainable growth.

Sandra Schneider, Patent Attorney at Yokogawa

Focus of his work

Michael Magin’s practice focuses on drafting patent applications and conducting patent granting proceedings for clients of all sizes

Michael’s technical focus is on computer-implemented inventions (especially machine learning), automotive (especially connected car), telecommunications (especially 3GPP), medical technology, electrical engineering & electronics.

Michael regularly handles opposition proceedings for clients before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office in various technical fields.

Michael Magin is active in the following areas of expertise:

Software, IT & Computer Technology



Electrical Engineering

Michael Magin., Patentanwalt bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys, München
Michael Magin., Patentanwalt bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys, München


Michael Magin studied business informatics at the University of Mannheim and computer engineering at Karl Ruprecht University of Heidelberg, specializing in microelectronics / digital hardware design. Michael then worked as a development engineer at EXTOLL GmbH, a manufacturer of network chips for high-performance computing, designing IC packages, optimizing the power supply of packages and PCBs and analyzing errors in analog circuits.

Counsel at 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Partner at a renowned patent and law firm in Heidelberg

Patent attorney and partner at 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Training as a patent attorney at 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Development engineer in the field of High Performance Computing at Extoll GmbH

M.Sc. in computer engineering earned at the University of Heidelberg

B.Sc. in business informatics earned at the University of Mannheim

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