
Physics is the language we use to describe the fundamental laws and principles of the universe. From tiny subatomic particles to gigantic galaxies, physics allows us to grasp the world around us in its deepest essence. Physical phenomena are the basis for numerous technologies that are indispensable to our everyday lives – just imagine a world without semiconductor devices.

Know-how with an obvious economic value

Our patent attorneys have in-depth knowledge of both classical and modern physics and use their knowledge to understand the basic ideas and concepts behind our clients’ sometimes highly complex inventions and translate them into customized patent claims.

By carefully selecting the scope of protection covered by a patent claim, we provide our clients with enforceable patents and thus industrial property rights of the highest economic value.

You can rely on our experience

The 2SPL patent attorneys specializing in physics have studied physics or electrical engineering and have gained theoretical and practical experience in various disciplines of physics as developers in the commercial sector or as researchers in renowned research institutions.

Our services in the field of physics

In addition to drafting patent applications and successfully conducting patent granting proceedings for inventions in the field of physics, we also support our clients in opposition proceedings in this field.

Your contact persons for the field of physics:

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Dr. Klaus Platzer

Dr. Klaus Platzer


Patent Attorney
+49 89 44 23 59 323

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Bernd Holzgartner

Bernd Holzgartner


Patent Attorney
+49 89 44 23 331

2SPL’s expertise in the field of physics includes especially knowledge of the following technologies:

  • sensors, especially radar, LiDAR, ToF, ultrasonic, gas, and MEMS sensors
  • semiconductor physics (FET, BJT, IGBT, LED, OLED, laser, TFT, CCD)
  • semiconductor production (front-end, back-end, and package technology)
  • thin film technology (PVD, CVD, photolithography, IBE, RIE, MBE)
  • surface analysis (AFM, STM, MFM)
  • solid state physics (GMR, TMR, EMR, Hall effect, magnetostriction)
  • power electronics
  • electrical metrology
  • medical technology
  • communication and telecommunication engineering, especially mobile communication
  • artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML)
  • quantum computers
  • high-energy physics (interactions of matter, radiation)
  • vacuum technology (compressors, HV, UHV, TMP)
  • environmental technology (photovoltaics, wind turbines, exhaust gas purification)
  • optics
  • acoustics
  • thermodynamics
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