Dr. Klaus Platzer, Patentanwalt und Partner bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Patent Attorney Dr. Klaus Platzer

Dipl.-Phys. (equivalent to an M.Sc. in physics)

  • Partner
  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • UPC Representative
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact us

Dr. Klaus Platzer speaks German and English

Focus of his work

Klaus Platzer mainly deals with the preparation of patent applications and conducts patent granting proceedings for medium-sized companies and large international corporations.

His technical focus is on computer-implemented inventions (AI, new applications for machine learning), telecommunications, audio and video coding, computer and network technology, multimedia and consumer electronics, sensor technology (especially radar and magnetic field sensors), automotive and mechanics (electric motors, gearboxes, cranes).

Klaus regularly handles opposition proceedings in various technical fields for our clients before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office and supports them with license requests and technical issues in connection with US procedures.

Dr. Klaus Platzer is active in the following areas of expertise:


Software, IT & Computer Technology

Electrical Engineering



Dr. Klaus Platzer, Partner bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys, München
Dr. Klaus Platzer, Patentanwalt und Partner bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys, München


Klaus Platzer studied physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich. As part of his doctorate as part of the multinational collaboration of the COMPASS experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Klaus then worked on the development of a detector system for measuring a particle detector several square meters in size using X-rays.

During his doctorate, he worked as a freelancer and developed, among other things, customized firmware for WLAN cards (802.11b) of a Software Defined Radio (SDR).

Founding partner of 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Training as a patent attorney in a renowned Munich law firm

Doctorate in Natural Sciences as part of the multinational collaboration of the COMPASS experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

Degree in physics (Diplom-Physiker) earned at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München

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