Patent Attorney Bernd Holzgartner
Dipl.-Physiker (equivalent to an M.Sc. in physics)
- Partner
- German Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
- UPC Representative
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Contact us
Bernd Holzgartner speaks German and English
Focus of his work
Bernd Holzgartner mainly deals with the preparation of patent applications and conducts patent granting proceedings for start-ups, medium-sized companies and large international corporations.
Bernd’s technical focus is on computer-implemented inventions (especially machine learning), sensor technology (especially radar, ToF, ultrasound and gas), audio and video coding (especially MPEG), television and radio broadcasting (especially DVB, ATSC and ISDB), telecommunications, digital and analog signal processing, automotive (especially electromobility, connected cars, transmissions and clutches) as well as exhaust-gas and exhaust air purification.
Bernd regularly handles opposition proceedings for clients before the European Patent Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office in various technical fields. Bernd also takes care of design registration procedures at 2SPL.

Bernd Holzgartner studied physics at Technische Universität München (TUM). During his studies and subsequent employment at TUM, Bernd worked extensively on various aspects of silicon semiconductor detector systems within the multinational collaboration of the COMPASS experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Bernd then worked in the field of energy harvesting at EnOcean GmbH.
Partner at 2SPL Patent Attorneys
Patent attorney at 2SPL Patent Attorneys
Training as a patent attorney in a renowned Munich law firm and with 2SPL Patent Attorneys
Activity in the field of energy harvesting at EnOcean GmbH
Research assistant at TUM as part of the multinational collaboration of the COMPASS experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Degree in physics (Diplom-Physiker) earned at Technische Universität München (TUM)