Dr. Mirko Schacht, Partner bei 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Patent Attorney Dr. Mirko Schacht

Dipl.-Ingenieur (equivalent to M.Sc.)

  • Partner
  • German Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney
  • UPC Representative
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney

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Dr. Mirko Schacht speaks German and English

Focus of his work

Mirko Schacht’s practice focuses on drafting patent applications and conducting patent granting proceedings for medium-sized companies and major international corporations.

His technical focus areas mainly include telecommunications (especially 3GPP, IEEE 802.11, etc.), automotive (especially connected cars, V2X, 802.11p, etc.), neural networks/artificial intelligence, audio and video coding, computer, information and encryption technology, electrical engineering & electronics, medical technology and technologically related areas.

In addition, Mirko supports clients in contentious proceedings, where his technical expertise in the field of telecommunications plays a particularly important role in matters concerning standard-essential patents (SEPs) for communication standards.

Dr. Mirko Schacht is active in the following areas of expertise:



Software, IT & Computer Technology

Electrical Engineering


Dr. Mirko Schacht, 2SPL Patent Attorneys
Dr. Mirko Schacht, Partner


Mirko Schacht studied electrical engineering with a focus on communications engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern and Michigan State University and graduated with distinction with the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur in electrical engineering. He then obtained his doctorate in engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen, also with distinction.

After having worked in the automotive industry at DaimlerChrysler / Temic, Mirko worked for Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs Innovations for several years. During this time, he was a delegate at international standardization meetings (3GPP) and actively participated in the 3GPP-RAN-WG2 working group (L2/L3 Protocols) in the context of standardization. During this activity, Mirko himself frequently made inventions.

Founding partner of 2SPL Patent Attorneys

Training as a patent attorney in a renowned Munich law firm

Development engineer at Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs Innovations in the field of mobile communications development and standardization (3GPP)

Employment at DaimlerChrysler / Temic

Doctorate in engineering at the University of Duisburg Essen

Diplom-Ingenieur in electrical engineering earned at the University of Kaiserslautern

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